plumpy.ports module

Module for process ports

class plumpy.ports.InputPort(name: str, valid_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, default: Any = (), required: bool = True, validator: Optional[Callable[[Any, Port], Optional[str]]] = None)[source]

Bases: plumpy.ports.Port

A simple input port for a value being received by a process

property default
get_description() → Dict[str, str][source]

Return a description of the InputPort, which will be a dictionary of its attributes


a dictionary of the stringified InputPort attributes

static required_override(required: bool, default: Any)bool[source]

If a default is specified an input should no longer be marked as required. Otherwise the input should always be marked explicitly to be not required even if a default is specified.

class plumpy.ports.OutputPort(name: str, valid_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, required: bool = True, validator: Optional[Callable[[Any, Port], Optional[str]]] = None)[source]

Bases: plumpy.ports.Port

class plumpy.ports.Port(name: str, valid_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, required: bool = True, validator: Optional[Callable[[Any, Port], Optional[str]]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Specifications relating to a general input/output value including properties like whether it is required, valid types, the help string, etc.

get_description() → Dict[str, Any][source]

Return a description of the Port, which will be a dictionary of its attributes


a dictionary of the stringified Port attributes

property help

Get the help string for this port


the help string

property name
property required

Is this port required?


True if required, False otherwise

property valid_type

Get the valid value type for this port if one is specified


the value value type

validate(value: Any, breadcrumbs: Sequence[str] = ()) → Optional[plumpy.ports.PortValidationError][source]

Validate a value to see if it is valid for this port

  • value – the value to check

  • breadcrumbs – a tuple of the path to having reached this point in validation

property validator

Get the validator for this port


the validator

Return type

typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Tuple[bool, typing.Optional[str]]]

class plumpy.ports.PortNamespace(name: str = '', help: Optional[str] = None, required: bool = True, validator: Optional[Callable[[Any, Port], Optional[str]]] = None, valid_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, default: Any = (), dynamic: bool = False, populate_defaults: bool = True)[source]

Bases:, plumpy.ports.Port

A container for Ports. Effectively it maintains a dictionary whose members are either a Port or yet another PortNamespace. This allows for the nesting of ports

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
absorb(port_namespace: plumpy.ports.PortNamespace, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, namespace_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) → List[str][source]

Absorb another PortNamespace instance into oneself, including all its mutable properties and ports.

Mutable properties of self will be overwritten with those of the port namespace that is to be absorbed. The same goes for the ports, meaning that any ports with a key that already exists in self will be overwritten. The namespace_options dictionary can be used to yet override the mutable properties of the port namespace that is to be absorbed. The exclude and include tuples can be used to exclude or include certain ports and both are mutually exclusive.

  • port_namespace – instance of PortNamespace that is to be absorbed into self

  • exclude – input keys to exclude from being exposed

  • include – input keys to include as exposed inputs

  • namespace_options – a dictionary with mutable PortNamespace property values to override


list of the names of the ports that were absorbed

create_port_namespace(name: str, **kwargs: Any)plumpy.ports.PortNamespace[source]

Create and return a new PortNamespace in this PortNamespace. If the name is namespaced, the sub PortNamespaces will be created recursively, except if one of the namespaces is already occupied at any level by a Port in which case a ValueError will be thrown

  • name – name (potentially namespaced) of the port to create and return

  • kwargs – constructor arguments that will be used only for the construction of the terminal PortNamespace




ValueError if any sub namespace is occupied by a non-PortNamespace port

property default
property dynamic
get_description() → Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Return a dictionary with a description of the ports this namespace contains Nested PortNamespaces will be properly recursed and Ports will print their properties in a list


a dictionary of descriptions of the Ports contained within this PortNamespace

get_port(name: str, create_dynamically: bool = False) → Union[plumpy.ports.Port, plumpy.ports.PortNamespace][source]

Retrieve a (namespaced) port from this PortNamespace. If any of the sub namespaces of the terminal port itself cannot be found, a ValueError will be raised

  • name – name (potentially namespaced) of the port to retrieve.

  • create_dynamically – If set to True, dynamically create the requested port if it doesn’t exist and the namespace is dynamic, instead of raising a ValueError.




ValueError if port or namespace does not exist

property populate_defaults
property ports
pre_process(port_values: MutableMapping[str, Any]) → plumpy.utils.AttributesFrozendict[source]

Map port values onto the port namespace, filling in values for ports with a default.


port_values – the dictionary with supplied port values


an AttributesFrozenDict with pre-processed port value mapping, complemented with port default values

project(port_values: MutableMapping[str, Any]) → MutableMapping[str, Any][source]

Project a (nested) dictionary of port values onto the port dictionary of this PortNamespace. That is to say, return those keys of the dictionary that are shared by this PortNamespace. If a matching key corresponds to another PortNamespace, this method will be called recursively, passing the sub dictionary belonging to that port name.


port_values – a dictionary where keys are port names and values are actual input values

static strip_namespace(namespace: str, separator: str, rules: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) → Optional[List[str]][source]

Filter given exclude/include rules staring with namespace and strip the first level.

For example if the namespace is base and the rules are:

('base.a', 'base.sub.b','relax.base.c', 'd')

the function will return:

('a', 'sub.c')

If the rules are None, that is what is returned as well.

  • namespace – the string name of the namespace

  • separator – the namespace separator string

  • rules – the list or tuple of exclude or include rules to strip


None if rules=None or the list of stripped rules

property valid_type

Get the valid value type for this port if one is specified


the value value type

validate(port_values: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, breadcrumbs: Sequence[str] = ()) → Optional[plumpy.ports.PortValidationError][source]

Validate the namespace port itself and subsequently all the port_values it contains

  • port_values – an arbitrarily nested dictionary of parsed port values

  • breadcrumbs – a tuple of the path to having reached this point in validation


None or tuple containing 0: error string 1: tuple of breadcrumb strings to where the validation failed

validate_dynamic_ports(port_values: MutableMapping[str, Any], breadcrumbs: Sequence[str] = ()) → Optional[plumpy.ports.PortValidationError][source]

Validate port values with respect to the dynamic properties of the port namespace. It will check if the namespace is actually dynamic and if all values adhere to the valid types of the namespace if those are specified

  • port_values (dict) – an arbitrarily nested dictionary of parsed port values

  • breadcrumbs (typing.Tuple[str]) – a tuple of the path to having reached this point in validation


if invalid returns a string with the reason for the validation failure, otherwise None

Return type


validate_ports(port_values: MutableMapping[str, Any], breadcrumbs: Sequence[str]) → Optional[plumpy.ports.PortValidationError][source]

Validate port values with respect to the explicitly defined ports of the port namespace. Ports values that are matched to an actual Port will be popped from the dictionary

  • port_values – an arbitrarily nested dictionary of parsed port values

  • breadcrumbs – a tuple of breadcrumbs showing the path to to the value being validated


None or tuple containing 0: error string 1: tuple of breadcrumb strings to where the validation failed

exception plumpy.ports.PortValidationError(message: str, port: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

Error when validation fails on a port

property message

Get the validation error message


the error message

property port

Get the port breadcrumbs


the port where the error occurred