Source code for plumpy.base.state_machine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The state machine for processes"""
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Hashable, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Type, Union, cast

from plumpy.futures import Future

from .utils import call_with_super_check, super_check

__all__ = ['StateMachine', 'StateMachineMeta', 'event', 'TransitionFailed']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LABEL_TYPE = Union[None, enum.Enum, str]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE = Callable[['StateMachine', Hashable, Optional['State']], None]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class StateMachineError(Exception):
    """Base class for state machine errors"""

class StateEntryFailed(Exception):
    Failed to enter a state, can provide the next state to go to via this exception

    def __init__(self, state: Hashable = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:  # pylint: disable=keyword-arg-before-vararg
        super().__init__('failed to enter state')
        self.state = state
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

class InvalidStateError(Exception):
    """The operation is not allowed in this state."""

class EventError(StateMachineError):

    def __init__(self, evt: str, msg: str):
        self.event = evt

[docs]class TransitionFailed(Exception): """A state transition failed""" def __init__( self, initial_state: 'State', final_state: Optional['State'] = None, traceback_str: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.initial_state = initial_state self.final_state = final_state self.traceback_str = traceback_str super().__init__(self._format_msg())
[docs] def _format_msg(self) -> str: msg = [f'{self.initial_state} -> {self.final_state}'] if self.traceback_str is not None: msg.append(self.traceback_str) return '\n'.join(msg)
[docs]def event( from_states: Union[str, Type['State'], Iterable[Type['State']]] = '*', to_states: Union[str, Type['State'], Iterable[Type['State']]] = '*' ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Any]], Callable[..., Any]]: """A decorator to check for correct transitions, raising ``EventError`` on invalid transitions.""" if from_states != '*': if inspect.isclass(from_states): from_states = (from_states,) if not all(issubclass(state, State) for state in from_states): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f'from_states: {from_states}') if to_states != '*': if inspect.isclass(to_states): to_states = (to_states,) if not all(issubclass(state, State) for state in to_states): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f'to_states: {to_states}') def wrapper(wrapped: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: evt_label = wrapped.__name__ @functools.wraps(wrapped) def transition(self: Any, *a: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any: initial = self._state if from_states != '*' and not any(isinstance(self._state, state) for state in from_states): # type: ignore raise EventError(evt_label, f'Event {evt_label} invalid in state {initial.LABEL}') result = wrapped(self, *a, **kw) if not (result is False or isinstance(result, Future)): if to_states != '*' and not any(isinstance(self._state, state) for state in to_states): # type: ignore if self._state == initial: raise EventError(evt_label, 'Machine did not transition') raise EventError( evt_label, 'Event produced invalid state transition from ' f'{initial.LABEL} to {self._state.LABEL}' ) return result return transition if inspect.isfunction(from_states): return wrapper(from_states) return wrapper
class State: LABEL: LABEL_TYPE = None # A set containing the labels of states that can be entered # from this one ALLOWED: Set[LABEL_TYPE] = set() @classmethod def is_terminal(cls) -> bool: return not cls.ALLOWED def __init__(self, state_machine: 'StateMachine', *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ :param state_machine: The process this state belongs to """ self.state_machine = state_machine self.in_state: bool = False def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.LABEL) @property def label(self) -> LABEL_TYPE: """ Convenience property to get the state label """ return self.LABEL @super_check def enter(self) -> None: """ Entering the state """ def execute(self) -> Optional['State']: """ Execute the state, performing the actions that this state is responsible for. :returns: a state to transition to or None if finished. """ @super_check def exit(self) -> None: """ Exiting the state """ if self.is_terminal(): raise InvalidStateError(f'Cannot exit a terminal state {self.LABEL}') def create_state(self, state_label: Hashable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> 'State': return self.state_machine.create_state(state_label, *args, **kwargs) def do_enter(self) -> None: call_with_super_check(self.enter) self.in_state = True def do_exit(self) -> None: call_with_super_check(self.exit) self.in_state = False class StateEventHook(enum.Enum): """ Hooks that can be used to register callback at various points in the state transition procedure. The callback will be passed a state instance whose meaning will differ depending on the hook as commented below. """ ENTERING_STATE: int = 0 # State passed will be the state that is being entered ENTERED_STATE: int = 1 # State passed will be the last state that we entered from EXITING_STATE: int = 2 # State passed will be the next state that will be entered (or None for terminal)
[docs]class StateMachineMeta(type): def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> 'StateMachine': """ Create the state machine and enter the initial state. :param args: Any positional arguments to be passed to the constructor :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments to be passed to the constructor :return: An instance of the state machine """ inst = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) inst.transition_to(inst.create_initial_state()) call_with_super_check(inst.init) return inst
[docs]class StateMachine(metaclass=StateMachineMeta): STATES: Optional[Sequence[Type[State]]] = None _STATES_MAP: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Type[State]]] = None _transitioning = False _transition_failing = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_states_map(cls) -> Dict[Hashable, Type[State]]: cls.__ensure_built() assert cls._STATES_MAP is not None # required for type checking return cls._STATES_MAP
[docs] @classmethod def get_states(cls) -> Sequence[Type[State]]: if cls.STATES is not None: return cls.STATES raise RuntimeError('States not defined')
[docs] @classmethod def initial_state_label(cls) -> LABEL_TYPE: cls.__ensure_built() assert cls.STATES is not None return cls.STATES[0].LABEL # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
[docs] @classmethod def get_state_class(cls, label: LABEL_TYPE) -> Type[State]: cls.__ensure_built() assert cls._STATES_MAP is not None return cls._STATES_MAP[label] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
@classmethod def __ensure_built(cls) -> None: try: # Check if it's already been built (and therefore sealed) if cls.__getattribute__(cls, 'sealed'): return except AttributeError: pass cls.STATES = cls.get_states() assert isinstance(cls.STATES, Iterable) # pylint: disable=isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type # Build the states map cls._STATES_MAP = {} for state_cls in cls.STATES: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable assert issubclass(state_cls, State) label = state_cls.LABEL assert label not in cls._STATES_MAP, f"Duplicate label '{label}'" # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test cls._STATES_MAP[label] = state_cls # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation # should class initialise sealed = False? cls.sealed = True # type: ignore def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.__ensure_built() self._state: Optional[State] = None self._exception_handler = None # Note this appears to never be used self.set_debug((not sys.flags.ignore_environment and bool(os.environ.get('PYTHONSMDEBUG')))) self._transitioning = False self._event_callbacks: Dict[Hashable, List[EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE]] = {} @super_check def init(self) -> None: """Called after entering initial state in `__call__` method of `StateMachineMeta`""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}> ({self.state})'
[docs] def create_initial_state(self) -> State: return self.get_state_class(self.initial_state_label())(self)
@property def state(self) -> Optional[LABEL_TYPE]: if self._state is None: return None return self._state.LABEL
[docs] def add_state_event_callback(self, hook: Hashable, callback: EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE) -> None: """ Add a callback to be called on a particular state event hook. The callback should have form fn(state_machine, hook, state) :param hook: The state event hook :param callback: The callback function """ self._event_callbacks.setdefault(hook, []).append(callback)
[docs] def remove_state_event_callback(self, hook: Hashable, callback: EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE) -> None: if getattr(self, '_closed', False): # if the process is closed, then all callbacks have already been removed return None try: self._event_callbacks[hook].remove(callback) except (KeyError, ValueError): raise ValueError(f"Callback not set for hook '{hook}'")
[docs] def _fire_state_event(self, hook: Hashable, state: Optional[State]) -> None: for callback in self._event_callbacks.get(hook, []): callback(self, hook, state)
@super_check def on_terminated(self) -> None: """ Called when a terminal state is entered """
[docs] def transition_to(self, new_state: Union[Hashable, State, Type[State]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: assert not self._transitioning, \ 'Cannot call transition_to when already transitioning state' initial_state_label = self._state.LABEL if self._state is not None else None label = None try: self._transitioning = True # Make sure we have a state instance new_state = self._create_state_instance(new_state, *args, **kwargs) label = new_state.LABEL # If the previous transition failed, do not try to exit it but go straight to next state if not self._transition_failing: self._exit_current_state(new_state) try: self._enter_next_state(new_state) except StateEntryFailed as exception: # Make sure we have a state instance new_state = self._create_state_instance(exception.state, *exception.args, **exception.kwargs) label = new_state.LABEL self._exit_current_state(new_state) self._enter_next_state(new_state) if self._state is not None and self._state.is_terminal(): call_with_super_check(self.on_terminated) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._transitioning = False if self._transition_failing: raise self._transition_failing = True self.transition_failed(initial_state_label, label, *sys.exc_info()[1:]) finally: self._transition_failing = False self._transitioning = False
[docs] def transition_failed( self, initial_state: Hashable, final_state: Hashable, exception: Exception, trace: TracebackType ) -> None: """Called when a state transitions fails. This method can be overwritten to change the default behaviour which is to raise the exception. :param exception: The transition failed exception. """ raise exception.with_traceback(trace)
[docs] def get_debug(self) -> bool: return self._debug
[docs] def set_debug(self, enabled: bool) -> None: self._debug: bool = enabled
[docs] def create_state(self, state_label: Hashable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> State: try: return self.get_states_map()[state_label](self, *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'{state_label} is not a valid state')
[docs] def _exit_current_state(self, next_state: State) -> None: """ Exit the given state """ # If we're just being constructed we may not have a state yet to exit, # in which case check the new state is the initial state if self._state is None: if next_state.label != self.initial_state_label(): raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot enter state '{next_state}' as the initial state") return # Nothing to exit if next_state.LABEL not in self._state.ALLOWED: raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot transition from {self._state.LABEL} to {next_state.label}') self._fire_state_event(StateEventHook.EXITING_STATE, next_state) self._state.do_exit()
[docs] def _enter_next_state(self, next_state: State) -> None: last_state = self._state self._fire_state_event(StateEventHook.ENTERING_STATE, next_state) # Enter the new state next_state.do_enter() self._state = next_state self._fire_state_event(StateEventHook.ENTERED_STATE, last_state)
[docs] def _create_state_instance(self, state: Union[Hashable, State, Type[State]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> State: if isinstance(state, State): # It's already a state instance return state # OK, have to create it state_cls = self._ensure_state_class(state) return state_cls(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _ensure_state_class(self, state: Union[Hashable, Type[State]]) -> Type[State]: if inspect.isclass(state) and issubclass(state, State): return state try: return self.get_states_map()[cast(Hashable, state)] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'{state} is not a valid state')