Source code for plumpy.persistence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import asyncio
import collections
import copy
import errno
import fnmatch
import inspect
import os
import pickle
from types import MethodType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union

import yaml

from . import futures, loaders, utils
from .base.utils import call_with_super_check, super_check
from .utils import PID_TYPE, SAVED_STATE_TYPE

__all__ = [
    'Bundle', 'Persister', 'PicklePersister', 'auto_persist', 'Savable', 'SavableFuture', 'LoadSaveContext',
    'PersistedCheckpoint', 'InMemoryPersister'

PersistedCheckpoint = collections.namedtuple('PersistedCheckpoint', ['pid', 'tag'])

    from .processes import Process  # pylint: disable=cyclic-import

[docs]class Bundle(dict): def __init__(self, savable: 'Savable', save_context: Optional['LoadSaveContext'] = None, dereference: bool = False): """ Create a bundle from a savable. Optionally keep information about the class loader that can be used to load the classes in the bundle. :param savable: The savable object to bundle :param save_context: The optional save context to use :param dereference: Remove refrences from the data, by deep copying """ super().__init__() if dereference: self.update(copy.deepcopy( else: self.update(
[docs] def unbundle(self, load_context: Optional['LoadSaveContext'] = None) -> 'Savable': """ This method loads the class of the object and calls its recreate_from method passing the positional and keyword arguments. :param load_context: The optional load context :return: An instance of the Savable """ return Savable.load(self, load_context)
_BUNDLE_TAG = '!plumpy:Bundle' def _bundle_representer(dumper: yaml.Dumper, node: Any) -> Any: return dumper.represent_mapping(_BUNDLE_TAG, node) def _bundle_constructor(loader: yaml.Loader, data: Any) -> Generator[Bundle, None, None]: result = Bundle.__new__(Bundle) yield result mapping = loader.construct_mapping(data) result.update(mapping) yaml.add_representer(Bundle, _bundle_representer) yaml.add_constructor(_BUNDLE_TAG, _bundle_constructor) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs]class Persister(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def save_checkpoint(self, process: 'Process', tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Persist a Process instance :param process: :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow distinguishing multiple checkpoints for the same process :raises: :class:`plumpy.PersistenceError` Raised if there was a problem saving the checkpoint """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Bundle: """ Load a process from a persisted checkpoint by its process id :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow retrieving a specific sub checkpoint for the corresponding process :return: a bundle with the process state :raises: :class:`plumpy.PersistenceError` Raised if there was a problem loading the checkpoint """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_checkpoints(self) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: """ Return a list of all the current persisted process checkpoints with each element containing the process id and optional checkpoint tag :return: list of PersistedCheckpoint """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: """ Return a list of all the current persisted process checkpoints for the specified process with each element containing the process id and optional checkpoint tag :param pid: the process pid :return: list of PersistedCheckpoint tuples """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Delete a persisted process checkpoint. No error will be raised if the checkpoint does not exist :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow retrieving a specific sub checkpoint for the corresponding process """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> None: """ Delete all persisted checkpoints related to the given process id :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` """
PersistedPickle = collections.namedtuple('PersistedPickle', ['checkpoint', 'bundle']) _PICKLE_SUFFIX = 'pickle'
[docs]class PicklePersister(Persister): """ Implementation of the abstract Persister class that stores Process states in pickles on a filesystem. """ def __init__(self, pickle_directory: str): """ Instantiate a PicklePersister object that will persist processes by writing their bundles to a pickle in a directory specified by the argument 'pickle_directory' :param pickle_directory: the full path to the directory where pickles will be written """ super().__init__() try: PicklePersister.ensure_pickle_directory(pickle_directory) except OSError: raise ValueError(f'failed to create the pickle directory at {pickle_directory}') self._pickle_directory = pickle_directory
[docs] @staticmethod def ensure_pickle_directory(dirpath: str) -> None: """ Will attempt to create the directory at dirpath and raise if it fails, except if the exception arose because the directory already existed """ try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
[docs] @staticmethod def load_pickle(filepath: str) -> 'PersistedPickle': """ Load a pickle from disk :param filepath: absolute filepath to the pickle :returns: the loaded pickle """ with open(filepath, 'r+b') as handle: persisted_pickle = pickle.load(handle) return persisted_pickle
[docs] @staticmethod def pickle_filename(pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns the relative filepath of the pickle for the given process id and optional checkpoint tag """ if tag is not None: filename = f'{pid}.{tag}.{_PICKLE_SUFFIX}' else: filename = f'{pid}.{_PICKLE_SUFFIX}' return filename
[docs] def _pickle_filepath(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns the full filepath of the pickle for the given process id and optional checkpoint tag """ return os.path.join(self._pickle_directory, PicklePersister.pickle_filename(pid, tag))
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, process: 'Process', tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Persist a process to a pickle on disk :param process: :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow distinguishing multiple checkpoints for the same process """ bundle = Bundle(process) checkpoint = PersistedCheckpoint(, tag) persisted_pickle = PersistedPickle(checkpoint, bundle) with open(self._pickle_filepath(, tag), 'w+b') as handle: pickle.dump(persisted_pickle, handle)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Bundle: """ Load a process from a persisted checkpoint by its process id :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow retrieving a specific sub checkpoint for the corresponding process :return: a bundle with the process state """ filepath = self._pickle_filepath(pid, tag) checkpoint = PicklePersister.load_pickle(filepath) return checkpoint.bundle
[docs] def get_checkpoints(self) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: """ Return a list of all the current persisted process checkpoints with each element containing the process id and optional checkpoint tag :return: list of PersistedCheckpoint """ checkpoints = [] file_pattern = f'*.{_PICKLE_SUFFIX}' for _, _, files in os.walk(self._pickle_directory): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, file_pattern): filepath = os.path.join(self._pickle_directory, filename) persisted_pickle = PicklePersister.load_pickle(filepath) checkpoints.append(persisted_pickle.checkpoint) return checkpoints
[docs] def get_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: """ Return a list of all the current persisted process checkpoints for the specified process with each element containing the process id and optional checkpoint tag :param pid: the process pid :return: list of PersistedCheckpoint """ return [c for c in self.get_checkpoints() if == pid]
[docs] def delete_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Delete a persisted process checkpoint. No error will be raised if the checkpoint does not exist :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` :param tag: optional checkpoint identifier to allow retrieving a specific sub checkpoint for the corresponding process """ pickle_filepath = self._pickle_filepath(pid, tag) try: os.remove(pickle_filepath) except OSError: pass
[docs] def delete_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> None: """ Delete all persisted checkpoints related to the given process id :param pid: the process id of the :class:`plumpy.Process` """ for checkpoint in self.get_process_checkpoints(pid): self.delete_checkpoint(, checkpoint.tag)
[docs]class InMemoryPersister(Persister): """ Mainly to be used in testing/debugging """ def __init__(self, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self._checkpoints: Dict[PID_TYPE, Dict[Optional[str], Bundle]] = {} self._save_context = LoadSaveContext(loader=loader)
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, process: 'Process', tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._checkpoints.setdefault(, {})[tag] = Bundle(process, self._save_context, dereference=True)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Bundle: return self._checkpoints[pid][tag]
[docs] def get_checkpoints(self) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: cps = [] for pid in self._checkpoints: cps.extend(self.get_process_checkpoints(pid)) return cps
[docs] def get_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> List[PersistedCheckpoint]: cps = [] try: for tag, _ in self._checkpoints[pid].items(): cps.append(PersistedCheckpoint(pid, tag)) except KeyError: pass return cps
[docs] def delete_checkpoint(self, pid: PID_TYPE, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> None: try: del self._checkpoints[pid][tag] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def delete_process_checkpoints(self, pid: PID_TYPE) -> None: if pid in self._checkpoints: del self._checkpoints[pid]
SavableClsType = TypeVar('SavableClsType', bound='Type[Savable]') # type: ignore[name-defined] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def auto_persist(*members: str) -> Callable[[SavableClsType], SavableClsType]: def wrapped(savable: SavableClsType) -> SavableClsType: # pylint: disable=protected-access if savable._auto_persist is None: savable._auto_persist = set() else: savable._auto_persist = set(savable._auto_persist) savable.auto_persist(*members) return savable return wrapped
def _ensure_object_loader(context: Optional['LoadSaveContext'], saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE) -> 'LoadSaveContext': """ Given a LoadSaveContext this method will ensure that it has a valid class loader using the following priorities: 1) The one that is already in the context 2) One that is found in the saved state 3) The default global class loader from loaders.get_object_loader() :param context: :param saved_state: :return: """ if context is None: context = LoadSaveContext() assert isinstance(context, LoadSaveContext) if context.loader is not None: return context # 2) Try getting from saved_state default_loader = loaders.get_object_loader() try: loader_identifier = Savable.get_custom_meta(saved_state, META__OBJECT_LOADER) except ValueError: # 3) Fall back to default loader = default_loader else: loader = default_loader.load_object(loader_identifier) return context.copyextend(loader=loader)
[docs]class LoadSaveContext: def __init__(self, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._values = dict(**kwargs) self.loader = loader def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: try: return self._values[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"item '{item}' not found") def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Any]: return self._value.__iter__() def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool: return self._values.__contains__(item)
[docs] def copyextend(self, **kwargs: Any) -> 'LoadSaveContext': """ Add additional information to the context by making a copy with the new values """ extended = self._values.copy() extended.update(kwargs) loader = extended.pop('loader', self.loader) return LoadSaveContext(loader=loader, **extended)
META: str = '!!meta' META__CLASS_NAME: str = 'class_name' META__OBJECT_LOADER: str = 'object_loader' META__USER: str = 'user' META__TYPES: str = 'types' META__TYPE__METHOD: str = 'm' META__TYPE__SAVABLE: str = 'S'
[docs]class Savable: CLASS_NAME: str = 'class_name' _auto_persist: Optional[Set[str]] = None _persist_configured = False
[docs] @staticmethod def load(saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext] = None) -> 'Savable': """ Load a `Savable` from a saved instance state. The load context is a way of passing runtime data to the object being loaded. :param saved_state: The saved state :param load_context: Additional runtime state that can be passed into when loading. The type and content (if any) is completely user defined :return: The loaded Savable instance """ load_context = _ensure_object_loader(load_context, saved_state) assert load_context.loader is not None # required for type checking try: class_name = Savable._get_class_name(saved_state) load_cls = load_context.loader.load_object(class_name) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Class name not found in saved state') else: return load_cls.recreate_from(saved_state, load_context)
[docs] @classmethod def auto_persist(cls, *members: str) -> None: if cls._auto_persist is None: cls._auto_persist = set() cls._auto_persist.update(members)
[docs] @classmethod def persist(cls) -> None: pass
[docs] @classmethod def recreate_from(cls, saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext] = None) -> 'Savable': """ Recreate a :class:`Savable` from a saved state using an optional load context. :param saved_state: The saved state :param load_context: An optional load context :return: The recreated instance """ load_context = _ensure_object_loader(load_context, saved_state) obj = cls.__new__(cls) call_with_super_check(obj.load_instance_state, saved_state, load_context) return obj
@super_check def load_instance_state(self, saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext]) -> None: self._ensure_persist_configured() if self._auto_persist is not None: self.load_members(self._auto_persist, saved_state, load_context) @super_check def save_instance_state(self, out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, save_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext]) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._ensure_persist_configured() if self._auto_persist is not None: self.save_members(self._auto_persist, out_state)
[docs] def save(self, save_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext] = None) -> SAVED_STATE_TYPE: out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE = {} if save_context is None: save_context = LoadSaveContext() utils.type_check(save_context, LoadSaveContext) default_loader = loaders.get_object_loader() # If the user has specified a class loader, then save it in the saved state if save_context.loader is not None: loader_class = default_loader.identify_object(save_context.loader.__class__) Savable.set_custom_meta(out_state, META__OBJECT_LOADER, loader_class) loader = save_context.loader else: loader = default_loader Savable._set_class_name(out_state, loader.identify_object(self.__class__)) call_with_super_check(self.save_instance_state, out_state, save_context) return out_state
[docs] def save_members(self, members: Iterable[str], out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE) -> None: for member in members: value = getattr(self, member) if inspect.ismethod(value): if value.__self__ is not self: raise TypeError('Cannot persist methods of other classes') Savable._set_meta_type(out_state, member, META__TYPE__METHOD) value = value.__name__ elif isinstance(value, Savable): Savable._set_meta_type(out_state, member, META__TYPE__SAVABLE) value = else: value = copy.deepcopy(value) out_state[member] = value
[docs] def load_members( self, members: Iterable[str], saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext] = None ) -> None: for member in members: setattr(self, member, self._get_value(saved_state, member, load_context))
[docs] def _ensure_persist_configured(self) -> None: if not self._persist_configured: self.persist() self._persist_configured = True
# region Metadata getter/setters
[docs] @staticmethod def set_custom_meta(out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str, value: Any) -> None: user_dict = Savable._get_create_meta(out_state).setdefault(META__USER, {}) user_dict[name] = value
[docs] @staticmethod def get_custom_meta(saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str) -> Any: try: return saved_state[META][name] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown meta key '{name}'")
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_create_meta(out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE) -> Dict[str, Any]: return out_state.setdefault(META, {})
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_class_name(out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str) -> None: Savable._get_create_meta(out_state)[META__CLASS_NAME] = name
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_class_name(saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE) -> str: return Savable._get_create_meta(saved_state)[META__CLASS_NAME]
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_meta_type(out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str, type_spec: Any) -> None: type_dict = Savable._get_create_meta(out_state).setdefault(META__TYPES, {}) type_dict[name] = type_spec
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_meta_type(saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str) -> Any: try: return saved_state[META][META__TYPES][name] except KeyError: pass
# endregion
[docs] def _get_value(self, saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, name: str, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext]) -> Union[MethodType, 'Savable']: value = saved_state[name] typ = Savable._get_meta_type(saved_state, name) if typ == META__TYPE__METHOD: value = getattr(self, value) elif typ == META__TYPE__SAVABLE: value = Savable.load(value, load_context) return value
[docs]@auto_persist('_state', '_result') class SavableFuture(futures.Future, Savable): """ A savable future. .. note: This does not save any assigned done callbacks. """
[docs] def save_instance_state(self, out_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, save_context: LoadSaveContext) -> None: super().save_instance_state(out_state, save_context) if self.done() and self.exception() is not None: out_state['exception'] = self.exception()
[docs] @classmethod def recreate_from(cls, saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: Optional[LoadSaveContext] = None) -> 'Savable': """ Recreate a :class:`Savable` from a saved state using an optional load context. :param saved_state: The saved state :param load_context: An optional load context :return: The recreated instance """ load_context = _ensure_object_loader(load_context, saved_state) try: loop = load_context.loop except AttributeError: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() state = saved_state['_state'] if state == asyncio.futures._PENDING: # type: ignore # pylint: disable=protected-access obj = cls(loop=loop) if state == asyncio.futures._FINISHED: # type: ignore # pylint: disable=protected-access obj = cls(loop=loop) result = saved_state['_result'] try: exception = saved_state['exception'] obj.set_exception(exception) except KeyError: obj.set_result(result) if state == asyncio.futures._CANCELLED: # type: ignore # pylint: disable=protected-access obj = cls(loop=loop) obj.cancel() return obj
[docs] def load_instance_state(self, saved_state: SAVED_STATE_TYPE, load_context: LoadSaveContext) -> None: # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init super().load_instance_state(saved_state, load_context) if self._callbacks: # typing says asyncio.Future._callbacks needs to be called, but in the python 3.7 code it is a simple list for callback in self._callbacks: self.remove_done_callback(callback) # type: ignore[arg-type]