Source code for kiwipy.futures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import concurrent.futures
import contextlib
import logging

__all__ = 'Future', 'chain', 'copy_future', 'CancelledError', 'capture_exceptions', 'wait', 'as_completed'

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CancelledError = concurrent.futures.CancelledError
wait = concurrent.futures.wait  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
as_completed = concurrent.futures.as_completed  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Future = concurrent.futures.Future

[docs]def copy_future(source, target): """ Copy the status of future a to b unless b is already done in which case return :param source: The source future :type source: :class:`kiwipy.Future` :param target: The target future :type target: :class:`kiwipy.Future` """ if target.done(): return if source.cancelled(): target.cancel() else: with capture_exceptions(target): target.set_result(source.result())
[docs]def chain(source, target): """Chain two futures together so that when one completes, so does the other. The result (success or failure) of ``a`` will be copied to ``b``, unless ``b`` has already been completed or cancelled by the time ``a`` finishes. """ source.add_done_callback(lambda first: copy_future(first, target))
@contextlib.contextmanager def capture_exceptions(future, ignore=()): """ Capture any exceptions in the context and set them as the result of the given future :param future: The future to the exception on :type future: :class:`kiwipy.Future` :param ignore: An optional list of exception types to ignore, these will be raised and not set on the future """ try: yield except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if isinstance(exception, ignore): raise future.set_exception(exception)