Source code for plumpy.process_comms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for process level communication functions and classes"""
import asyncio
import copy
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import kiwipy

from . import communications, futures, loaders, persistence
from .utils import PID_TYPE

__all__ = [

    from .processes import Process  # pylint: disable=cyclic-import

ProcessResult = Any
ProcessStatus = Any

INTENT_KEY = 'intent'
MESSAGE_KEY = 'message'

class Intent:
    """Intent constants for a process message"""
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    PLAY: str = 'play'
    PAUSE: str = 'pause'
    KILL: str = 'kill'
    STATUS: str = 'status'


TASK_KEY = 'task'
TASK_ARGS = 'args'
PERSIST_KEY = 'persist'
# Launch
PROCESS_CLASS_KEY = 'process_class'
ARGS_KEY = 'init_args'
KWARGS_KEY = 'init_kwargs'
NOWAIT_KEY = 'nowait'
# Continue
PID_KEY = 'pid'
TAG_KEY = 'tag'
# Task types
LAUNCH_TASK = 'launch'
CONTINUE_TASK = 'continue'
CREATE_TASK = 'create'

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_launch_body( process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, persist: bool = False, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, nowait: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a message body for the launch action :param process_class: the class of the process to launch :param init_args: any initialisation positional arguments :param init_kwargs: any initialisation keyword arguments :param persist: persist this process if True, otherwise don't :param loader: the loader to use to load the persisted process :param nowait: wait for the process to finish before completing the task, otherwise just return the PID :return: a dictionary with the body of the message to launch the process :rtype: dict """ if loader is None: loader = loaders.get_object_loader() msg_body = { TASK_KEY: LAUNCH_TASK, TASK_ARGS: { PROCESS_CLASS_KEY: loader.identify_object(process_class), PERSIST_KEY: persist, NOWAIT_KEY: nowait, ARGS_KEY: init_args, KWARGS_KEY: init_kwargs } } return msg_body
[docs]def create_continue_body(pid: 'PID_TYPE', tag: Optional[str] = None, nowait: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a message body to continue an existing process :param pid: the pid of the existing process :param tag: the optional persistence tag :param nowait: wait for the process to finish before completing the task, otherwise just return the PID :return: a dictionary with the body of the message to continue the process """ msg_body = {TASK_KEY: CONTINUE_TASK, TASK_ARGS: {PID_KEY: pid, NOWAIT_KEY: nowait, TAG_KEY: tag}} return msg_body
def create_create_body( process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, persist: bool = False, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a message body to create a new process :param process_class: the class of the process to launch :param init_args: any initialisation positional arguments :param init_kwargs: any initialisation keyword arguments :param persist: persist this process if True, otherwise don't :param loader: the loader to use to load the persisted process :return: a dictionary with the body of the message to launch the process """ if loader is None: loader = loaders.get_object_loader() msg_body = { TASK_KEY: CREATE_TASK, TASK_ARGS: { PROCESS_CLASS_KEY: loader.identify_object(process_class), PERSIST_KEY: persist, ARGS_KEY: init_args, KWARGS_KEY: init_kwargs } } return msg_body
[docs]class RemoteProcessController: """ Control remote processes using coroutines that will send messages and wait (in a non-blocking way) for their response """ def __init__(self, communicator: kiwipy.Communicator) -> None: self._communicator = communicator
[docs] async def get_status(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE') -> 'ProcessStatus': """ Get the status of a process with the given PID :param pid: the process id :return: the status response from the process """ future = self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, STATUS_MSG) result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def pause_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', msg: Optional[Any] = None) -> 'ProcessResult': """ Pause the process :param pid: the pid of the process to pause :param msg: optional pause message :return: True if paused, False otherwise """ message = copy.copy(PAUSE_MSG) if msg is not None: message[MESSAGE_KEY] = msg pause_future = self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, message) # rpc_send return a thread future from communicator future = await asyncio.wrap_future(pause_future) # future is just returned from rpc call which return a kiwipy future result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def play_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE') -> 'ProcessResult': """ Play the process :param pid: the pid of the process to play :return: True if played, False otherwise """ play_future = self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, PLAY_MSG) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(play_future) result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def kill_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', msg: Optional[Any] = None) -> 'ProcessResult': """ Kill the process :param pid: the pid of the process to kill :param msg: optional kill message :return: True if killed, False otherwise """ message = copy.copy(KILL_MSG) if msg is not None: message[MESSAGE_KEY] = msg # Wait for the communication to go through kill_future = self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, message) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(kill_future) # Now wait for the kill to be enacted result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def continue_process( self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', tag: Optional[str] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> Optional['ProcessResult']: """ Continue the process :param _communicator: the communicator :param pid: the pid of the process to continue :param tag: the checkpoint tag to continue from """ message = create_continue_body(pid=pid, tag=tag, nowait=nowait) # Wait for the communication to go through continue_future = self._communicator.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(continue_future) if no_reply: return None # Now wait for the result of the task result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def launch_process( self, process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, persist: bool = False, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> 'ProcessResult': """ Launch a process given the class and constructor arguments :param process_class: the class of the process to launch :param init_args: the constructor positional arguments :param init_kwargs: the constructor keyword arguments :param persist: should the process be persisted :param loader: the classloader to use :param nowait: if True, don't wait for the process to send a response, just return the pid :param no_reply: if True, this call will be fire-and-forget, i.e. no return value :return: the result of launching the process """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments message = create_launch_body(process_class, init_args, init_kwargs, persist, loader, nowait) launch_future = self._communicator.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(launch_future) if no_reply: return result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs] async def execute_process( self, process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> 'ProcessResult': """ Execute a process. This call will first send a create task and then a continue task over the communicator. This means that if communicator messages are durable then the process will run until the end even if this interpreter instance ceases to exist. :param process_class: the process class to execute :param init_args: the positional arguments to the class constructor :param init_kwargs: the keyword arguments to the class constructor :param loader: the class loader to use :param nowait: if True, don't wait for the process to send a response :param no_reply: if True, this call will be fire-and-forget, i.e. no return value :return: the result of executing the process """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments message = create_create_body(process_class, init_args, init_kwargs, persist=True, loader=loader) create_future = self._communicator.task_send(message) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(create_future) pid: 'PID_TYPE' = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) message = create_continue_body(pid, nowait=nowait) continue_future = self._communicator.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply) future = await asyncio.wrap_future(continue_future) if no_reply: return result = await asyncio.wrap_future(future) return result
[docs]class RemoteProcessThreadController: """ A class that can be used to control and launch remote processes """ def __init__(self, communicator: kiwipy.Communicator): """ Create a new process controller :param communicator: the communicator to use """ self._communicator = communicator
[docs] def get_status(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE') -> kiwipy.Future: """Get the status of a process with the given PID. :param pid: the process id :return: the status response from the process """ return self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, STATUS_MSG)
[docs] def pause_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', msg: Optional[Any] = None) -> kiwipy.Future: """ Pause the process :param pid: the pid of the process to pause :param msg: optional pause message :return: a response future from the process to be paused """ message = copy.copy(PAUSE_MSG) if msg is not None: message[MESSAGE_KEY] = msg return self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, message)
[docs] def pause_all(self, msg: Any) -> None: """ Pause all processes that are subscribed to the same communicator :param msg: an optional pause message """ self._communicator.broadcast_send(msg, subject=Intent.PAUSE)
[docs] def play_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE') -> kiwipy.Future: """ Play the process :param pid: the pid of the process to pause :return: a response future from the process to be played """ return self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, PLAY_MSG)
[docs] def play_all(self) -> None: """ Play all processes that are subscribed to the same communicator """ self._communicator.broadcast_send(None, subject=Intent.PLAY)
[docs] def kill_process(self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', msg: Optional[Any] = None) -> kiwipy.Future: """ Kill the process :param pid: the pid of the process to kill :param msg: optional kill message :return: a response future from the process to be killed """ message = copy.copy(KILL_MSG) if msg is not None: message[MESSAGE_KEY] = msg return self._communicator.rpc_send(pid, message)
[docs] def kill_all(self, msg: Optional[Any]) -> None: """ Kill all processes that are subscribed to the same communicator :param msg: an optional pause message """ self._communicator.broadcast_send(msg, subject=Intent.KILL)
[docs] def continue_process( self, pid: 'PID_TYPE', tag: Optional[str] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> Union[None, PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: message = create_continue_body(pid=pid, tag=tag, nowait=nowait) return self.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply)
[docs] def launch_process( self, process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, persist: bool = False, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> Union[None, PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Launch the process :param process_class: the process class to launch :param init_args: positional arguments to the process constructor :param init_kwargs: keyword arguments to the process constructor :param persist: should the process be persisted :param loader: the class loader to use :param nowait: if True only return when the process finishes :param no_reply: don't send a reply to the sender :return: the pid of the created process or the outputs (if nowait=False) """ message = create_launch_body(process_class, init_args, init_kwargs, persist, loader, nowait) return self.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply)
[docs] def execute_process( self, process_class: str, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None, nowait: bool = False, no_reply: bool = False ) -> Union[None, PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: """ Execute a process. This call will first send a create task and then a continue task over the communicator. This means that if communicator messages are durable then the process will run until the end even if this interpreter instance ceases to exist. :param process_class: the process class to execute :param init_args: the positional arguments to the class constructor :param init_kwargs: the keyword arguments to the class constructor :param loader: the class loader to use :param nowait: if True, don't wait for the process to send a response :param no_reply: if True, this call will be fire-and-forget, i.e. no return value :return: the result of executing the process """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments message = create_create_body(process_class, init_args, init_kwargs, persist=True, loader=loader) execute_future = kiwipy.Future() create_future = futures.unwrap_kiwi_future(self._communicator.task_send(message)) def on_created(_: Any) -> None: with kiwipy.capture_exceptions(execute_future): pid: 'PID_TYPE' = create_future.result() continue_future = self.continue_process(pid, nowait=nowait, no_reply=no_reply) kiwipy.chain(continue_future, execute_future) create_future.add_done_callback(on_created) return execute_future
[docs] def task_send(self, message: Any, no_reply: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]: """ Send a task to be performed using the communicator :param message: the task message :param no_reply: if True, this call will be fire-and-forget, i.e. no return value :return: the response from the remote side (if no_reply=False) """ return self._communicator.task_send(message, no_reply=no_reply)
[docs]class ProcessLauncher: """ Takes incoming task messages and uses them to launch processes. Expected format of task: For launch:: { 'task': <LAUNCH_TASK> 'process_class': <Process class to launch> 'args': <tuple of positional args for process constructor> 'kwargs': <dict of keyword args for process constructor>. 'nowait': True or False } For continue:: { 'task': <CONTINUE_TASK> 'pid': <Process ID> 'nowait': True or False } """ def __init__( self, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, persister: Optional[persistence.Persister] = None, load_context: Optional[persistence.LoadSaveContext] = None, loader: Optional[loaders.ObjectLoader] = None ) -> None: self._loop = loop self._persister = persister self._load_context = load_context if load_context is not None else persistence.LoadSaveContext() if loader is not None: self._loader = loader self._load_context = self._load_context.copyextend(loader=loader) else: self._loader = loaders.get_object_loader() async def __call__(self, communicator: kiwipy.Communicator, task: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: """ Receive a task. :param task: The task message """ task_type = task[TASK_KEY] if task_type == LAUNCH_TASK: return await self._launch(communicator, **task.get(TASK_ARGS, {})) if task_type == CONTINUE_TASK: return await self._continue(communicator, **task.get(TASK_ARGS, {})) if task_type == CREATE_TASK: return await self._create(communicator, **task.get(TASK_ARGS, {})) raise communications.TaskRejected
[docs] async def _launch( self, _communicator: kiwipy.Communicator, process_class: str, persist: bool, nowait: bool, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Union[PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: """ Launch the process :param _communicator: the communicator :param process_class: the process class to launch :param persist: should the process be persisted :param nowait: if True only return when the process finishes :param init_args: positional arguments to the process constructor :param init_kwargs: keyword arguments to the process constructor :return: the pid of the created process or the outputs (if nowait=False) """ if persist and not self._persister: raise communications.TaskRejected('Cannot persist process, no persister') if init_args is None: init_args = () if init_kwargs is None: init_kwargs = {} proc_class = self._loader.load_object(process_class) proc = proc_class(*init_args, **init_kwargs) if persist and self._persister is not None: self._persister.save_checkpoint(proc) if nowait: asyncio.ensure_future(proc.step_until_terminated()) return await proc.step_until_terminated() return proc.future().result()
[docs] async def _continue( self, _communicator: kiwipy.Communicator, pid: 'PID_TYPE', nowait: bool, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> Union[PID_TYPE, ProcessResult]: """ Continue the process :param _communicator: the communicator :param pid: the pid of the process to continue :param nowait: if True don't wait for the process to complete :param tag: the checkpoint tag to continue from """ if not self._persister: LOGGER.warning('rejecting task: cannot continue process<%d> because no persister is available', pid) raise communications.TaskRejected('Cannot continue process, no persister') # Do not catch exceptions here, because if these operations fail, the continue task should except and bubble up saved_state = self._persister.load_checkpoint(pid, tag) proc = cast('Process', saved_state.unbundle(self._load_context)) if nowait: asyncio.ensure_future(proc.step_until_terminated()) return await proc.step_until_terminated() return proc.future().result()
[docs] async def _create( self, _communicator: kiwipy.Communicator, process_class: str, persist: bool, init_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, init_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> 'PID_TYPE': """ Create the process :param _communicator: the communicator :param process_class: the process class to create :param persist: should the process be persisted :param init_args: positional arguments to the process constructor :param init_kwargs: keyword arguments to the process constructor :return: the pid of the created process """ if persist and not self._persister: raise communications.TaskRejected('Cannot persist process, no persister') if init_args is None: init_args = () if init_kwargs is None: init_kwargs = {} proc_class = self._loader.load_object(process_class) proc = proc_class(*init_args, **init_kwargs) if persist and self._persister is not None: self._persister.save_checkpoint(proc) return